Friday, June 17, 2011

Happy Planet Index

LONDON, July 4 (UPI) -- Costa Rica tops the "Happy Planet Index," a ranking of ecological efficiency among the world's nations, survey officials say.

Costa Ricans reported the highest life satisfaction and have an average life expectancy second only to Canada, said a release from the New Economics Foundation, a British think tank that promotes ecology and sustainable economics.

Nine of the 10 highest-scoring nations were in Latin America, with the United States reportedly "greener and happier" 20 years ago than it is today.

(明報)2009年7月5日 星期日 09:30

報告由英國非政府組織「新經濟基金」(New Economics Foundation)公布,以全球143個國家和地區作為對象,根據預期壽命、民眾面對氣候環境變化的生活滿意度等作為衡量標準,列出「幸福星球指數」(Happy Planet Index)排名。

Countries in HPI rank

1. Costa Rica 76.1
2. Dominican Republic 71.8
3. Jamaica 70.1
4. Guatemala 68.4
5. Vietnam 66.5
6. Colombia 66.1
7. Cuba 65.7
8. El Salvador 61.5
9. Brazil 61.0
10. Honduras 61.0
11. Nicaragua 60.5
12. Egypt 60.3
13. Saudi Arabia 59.7
14. Philippines 59.0
15. Argentina 59.0
18. Panama 57.4
20. China 57.1
23. Mexico 55.6
25. Ecuador 55.5
28. Peru 54.4
36. Venezuela 52.5
46. Chile 49.7
47. Bolivia 49.3
55. Paraguay 47.8
84. Hong Kong 41.6

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